Monday, July 1, 2013

The inexplicable mind

I think this is the longest I have gone without blogging. I am not a regular blogger but I do make a sincere effort to get one out once in a week. I write when something really inspires me and when that happens, words start forming in my head and thoughts run to and fro and I perform in depth analysis inside my head.

I have always enjoyed tracing back to the root of my thoughts – like how I ended up thinking about what I am right now and how one thought led to another. It has never failed to amuse me how my  train of thoughts move along in my head.

A human mind can never be idle for even a second. And, an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. Is that the reason for the wrong doings in this world? Right from terrorism to murders to rapes to thefts. Most of the time, these acts require meticulous planning and a lot of time. These crimes also are instantaneous. But what if this energy is directed for good causes? What is the root cause for the crimes? It cannot just be an idle mind. It could also be due to psychological issues, exposure to anti-social elements, influence of wrong-does etc. But, again every human is gifted with the sense to think and choose between right and wrong. There is no straight-cut definition between right and wrong and it all lies in the perception of the individual.

I have always wanted to understand the mind of a person who commits a crime – what goes on in their mind before they do something wrong. Here when I say ‘wrong’ it means any act that would hurt others or cause destruction.  The mind plays tricks sometimes and an act of murder or other similar heinous acts may be committed rashly. Does that mean the mind has the ability to over-power us? The human mind sure is a mystery and that is the reason they have a stream of science entirely dedicated for its study. The human mind is web of tangled thoughts and I guess when a string is cut off the mind goes bonkers and the person tends to commit insane things.

So, it is always better to keep one’s mind occupied in a healthy manner and keep the brain engaged with some positive and result oriented activity.

Now,  I am trying to analyse on how I started to write about me not being a regular blogger which led on to idle mind and to the ugly side of crimes. Human mind sure is unpredictable.